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Preparing for 2021

There's no doubt that 2020 has been a challenge for everyone, and that it was disappointing to lose a race season. However, it should not be all doom and gloom. This is a golden opportunity to make yourself a better athlete, and while the time frame might not be definitive, we WILL all be racing again.

Keeping that in mind, and not wanting to look back on this year with regret of what could have been done, our athletes have continued to train in 2020 to conquer their goals, and to be even stronger and faster for when the racing returns.

To help with that, we've put on our own "race day" events so our awesome supporters have a platform in which to come out to play and showcase their fitness.

As you can see with this sample of images, we have the #cantstopwontstop attitude.

Now is the time to start planning your 2021 season, and we are steadily being contacted by athletes eager to start that preparation.

If you don’t know where to start with your training, we invite you to contact us for assistance and to follow us on social media to see what we are up to.

Read our most recent article at MultiSport Canada >> Making The Best of 2020.


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